Parents Intentions to attend a Parenting Program

This survey collects information about your intentions to attend a parenting program. All information is anonymous and is only used to assist researchers get a better understanding of some barriers parents might have to attending these programs.

The following questions ask you to rate how certain barrier might prevent you from attending a Teen Triple P parenting program. If you are not already aware, Teen Triple P is a parenting program that promotes good communication and relationships between parents and their children. The program focuses on improving parents skills and confidence in dealing with problematic behaviour and is usually run in a group setting.

Please read each statements and indicate how true the statement is of you. There are no wrong or right answers.

Strongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree or Disagree DisagreeStrongly Disagree
1. I would like to attend a Teen Parenting program
2. I would not attend a Teen parenting program because I do not have any problems with my teenager’s behaviour
3. I would not attend a Teen parenting program because I am busy and do not have time
4. I would not attend a Teen parenting program because it is difficult to organise childcare.
5. I would not attend a Teen parenting program because I have difficulty in arranging transportation from my place to the meeting venue
6. I would not attend a Teen parenting program because I have my own views of parenting my child
7. I would rather ask friends or family for advice than attending a Teen parenting program
8. I feel comfortable talking about my family with others
9. I would not attend a Teen parenting program because I would feel ashamed or embarrassed

Are there any other barriers that might prevent you from attending a Teen Triple P program?